On 9 July 2024, the High Judicial Council and the High Prosecutorial Council simultaneously held their Plenary meetings whereby the Joint Regulation on ‘Unification of the Disciplinary Proceedings for Violation Cases Involving a Judge and a Prosecutor’ was approved.
The approval of such a regulation marks conclusion of a joint work of the three governance institutions of the justice system (HJC, HPC and HJI), supported by the EU4Justice Project. The cornerstones of this sublegal act were also discussed by both councils in the Joint Annual Meeting of the councils, organized on the occasion of the Justice Day, on 10 May 2024, with support of the EU4Justice Project in partnership with OSCE Presence in Albania.
This regulation reinforces the independence of institutions while promoting coordination and communication among the Councils. The joint efforts of the governance institutions of the justice system strongly promote and enhance cooperation and coordination with the objective of improving the overall functioning of the justice system and enhance public trust in the justice system.