TRAINING ‘Enhancing capacity and efficacy of the High Prosecutorial Council (HPC) Administrative Staff’
On 18-19 of September 2024, the EU4Justice Project, based on the planned activities and upon HPC’s request, organized a two-day training on ‘Enhancing capacity and efficacy of the High Prosecutorial Council (HPC) Administrative Staff, with the participation of HPC staff and delivered by two Short-Term Expert. The training aimed at enhancing the capacity of the […]
High Prosecutorial Council – THE OATH CEREMONY
Today, on 29 July 2024, the OATH CEREMONY of 23 new prosecutors appointed by the High Prosecutorial Council, took place. HPC appointed the prosecutors on the Plenary Session of 18 July 2024 and will serve their duty nationwide, respectively 7 prosecutors in Korça Prosecution Office, 2 prosecutors each in Lezhë, Vlorë, Fier, Berat, and Dibër […]
Roundtable on Ethical Dilemmas in the Judiciary – EU4Justice and High Judicial Council
Approval of the HJC and HPC Joint Regulation on ‘Unification of the Disciplinary Proceedings for Violation Cases Involving a Judge and a Prosecutor’
On 9 July 2024, the High Judicial Council and the High Prosecutorial Council simultaneously held their Plenary meetings whereby the Joint Regulation on ‘Unification of the Disciplinary Proceedings for Violation Cases Involving a Judge and a Prosecutor’ was approved. The approval of such a regulation marks conclusion of a joint work of the three governance […]
Study Visit for High Justice Inspector Staff in Paris Sharing Experience with French Inspectorate
Between 16 and 21 June 2024, the EU4Justice Project with the support of Expertise France, following the project’s work plan, organized a Study Visit to the General Inspectorate of Justice in Paris, France for the Office of the High Justice Inspector, including project experts, inspectors, assistant inspectors, and members of the cabinet. The team from […]
Concluding supporting the HPC Working Group in amending HPC Regulation No. 95/2022 ‘On the Ethical and Professional Performance Evaluation of Prosecutors’, to simplify the process for the evaluation period 2017-2021
On 10 – 13 June 2024, the EU4Justice Project continued to support the HPC on the Ethical and Performance Evaluation of Prosecutors. This time the Italian magistrate experts of the project concluded discussions with the HPC Working Group, set up by Order No. 60, dated 25 March 2024, on the draft amendments to the HPC […]
Joint Meeting of HJC, HPC Evaluation Committees, and HJI on Evaluation of Magistrates
On 05 June 2024, EU4Justice organized a Joint Meeting of the High Judicial Council, High Prosecutorial Council Evaluation Committees, and High Justice Inspector on the Evaluation of Magistrates. In addition, This cross-component activity was also attended by two STEs on judicial efficiency and statistics. The aim of this roundtable meeting is to provide a platform […]
The new Chairperson of the High Prosecutorial Council has been elected!
Today, on 7 June 2024, the High Prosecutorial Council, upon request of 4 (four) members, held an urgent Plenary meeting with only one item in the agenda – The election of the new Chairperson of the High Prosecutorial Council. Ms. Mirela Bogdani, was the only candidate who expressed interest in running for the position and […]
Workshop On preparing, conducting, and analysing classic thematic inspection missions, with a focus on prosecution services.
From the 27th to 31st of May 2024 the EU4JUSTICE project following Component 3’s activities, organized a joint workshop with CEPEJ (CoE) on preparing, conducting, and analysing classic thematic inspection missions. The focus of the workshop was on prosecution services which aimed to contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of Inspectors and Assistant Inspectors […]
Study Visit for High Prosecutorial Council in Rome
Between 21 and 24 May 2024, the EU4Justice Project, following the project’s work plan, organized a Study Visit in Rome, Italy, for the members of the High Prosecutorial Council. The Study Visit aimed at best practices in relation to plenary meetings, standing committee processes, indicators, and reportingof the Italian Governance Institution for both judiciary and […]