On 23rd – 24th of November 2023 the EU4JUSTICE project together with the High Judicial Coucil (HJC) organised a Roundtable on the theme of “Increasing Transparency and Access to the Activity of the Judicial System”, in Vlora city. This project’s activity brought together HJC members, acting chairs of first instance and appeal courts and project experts.
The primary objective of the roundtable was to strengthen a constructive dialogue between the High Judicial Council and Courts aiming to to better assess and address challenges and requirements related to the transparency and public visibility of the activities of the Judiciary.
The HJC Chairperson opened the event providing an overview of the achievements and challenges of the Council in establishing transparent communication with the public and the media regarding the activities of the judicial system. EU4Justice Expert then briefed the participants on the project, outlining its mission’s scope and planned activities in support of HJC’s efforts to increase transparency and public trust in the judiciary.
In the second session of the Roudtable, the HJC Member responsible for public and media communication presented the Council’s transparency approach during its first mandate, emphasizing adopted instruments such as the Strategic Communication Plan for the Judicial System and Communication Plan for the Courts etc. Futhermore, Media Judge and acting Chair of Special Court of Appeal against Corruption and Organized Crime discussed current and future transparency and public information challenges from the courts’ perspective.
Throughout the roundtable’s sessions, participants engaged in open and proactive discussions exchanging insights on challenges and concerns related to judicial communication with the public and the media. The discussions underscored the need for effective measures needed to enhance transparency within the judicial system, thereby fostering public trust and confiedence.
EU4Justice stands committed to addressing the identified challenges and implementing necessary measures to enhance transparency. The project will follow up on these transparency initiatives and engage in further discussions with the beneficiary to translate them in concrete activities to be included in the next semster’s work-plan.
EU4JUSTICE is EU Contribution Agreement Project implemented by AICS, Expertise France and FIIAPP. The project’s overall objective is to the improvement of the capacity of the independent justice institutions in Albania.