On 08 – 11 April 2024, the EU4Justice Project continued to support the HPC on the Ethical and Performance Evaluation of Prosecutors. This time the magistrate experts of the project further discussed the recommendations delivered to the HPC to solve the urgency of the backlog created for the evaluation period 2017-2021. The support consisted in supporting the HPC Working Group (WG), set up by the HPC Chairperson by the order No. 60, dated 25 March 2024, to amend the HPC Regulation No. 95/2022 ‘On the Ethical and Professional Performance Evaluation of Prosecutors’ to simplify the process for the evaluation period 2017-2021 and start reducing the backlog created. The EU4Justice Project proposed amendments to the regulation for the WG to decide and forward them for approval to the HPC Plenary.
EU4JUSTICE is an EU Contribution Agreement Project implemented by AICS, Expertise France, and FIIAPP. The project’s overall objective is the improvement of the capacity of the independent justice institutions in Albania.