On 18-19 of September 2024, the EU4Justice Project, based on the planned activities and upon HPC’s request, organized a two-day training on ‘Enhancing capacity and efficacy of the High Prosecutorial Council (HPC) Administrative Staff, with the participation of HPC staff and delivered by two Short-Term Expert. The training aimed at enhancing the capacity of the HPC Administrative Staff on two modules. First module included ‘Administrative tasks – practical matters’ and ‘Digital Protocol/Archive’. The second module included ‘Time management’, ‘Human resources’, ‘Finance and Procurement’ and ‘Gender Budgeting’. Training sessions during these two days were very interactive between participants and the trainers, between participants themselves, as well as oriented towards everyday practical matters. The modules entailed examples from the Italian High Judicial Council (CSM) regarding important administrative tasks, examples related to structure, tools, instruments inside the Council, interaction with courts and prosecution offices, and CSM statistical Office. Also, International good practice for HPC SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis), examples on ‘Justice communication’, the Intranet Portal, Team roles, procurement risks and gender budgeting matters were tackled during this training. The General Secretary of HPC also attended and the participants were also shortly addressed by the HPC Chairwoman. The training sessions were conducted through use of PowerPoint Presentations, photos, videos and questionaries.

EU4JUSTICE is an EU Contribution Agreement Project implemented by AICS, Expertise France, and FIIAPP. The project’s overall objective is the improvement of the capacity of the independent justice institutions in Albania.